What Makes Rhinoplasty So Popular? Dr. Philip Miller

Dr. Philip Miller

May 21, 2018

Rhinoplasty before and after new york

Year after year, rhinoplasty surgery in New York lingers at the top of the list of most-requested plastic surgery procedures. Rhinoplasty is the oldest procedure in the world of modern facial plastic surgery, but shouldn’t that mean it’s run its course? After all, new is usually better when you’re talking about good looks and trends. What rhinoplasty offers, however, is much more than a trend. There are many benefits that contribute to keeping rhinoplasty at the top of many patients’ lists.

Rhinoplasty Offers Cosmetic Control

When you can’t stand the look of your own nose, it can be highly detrimental to your self-image and your concept of self-worth and confidence over time. An unattractive nose can draw the attention of bullies and other kids eager to tease you. It can wreak psychological havoc over you, making you run from the camera when someone wants to take pictures or go out of your way to avoid a mirror. You might develop bad posture as you keep your head down and shoulders bent; you might develop poor social skills because you fear everyone is staring at your nose; you might even have health issues like trouble breathing or nighttime snoring.

All in all, an unwanted nose is nothing to take lightly. Rhinoplasty gives people suffering from a displeasing nasal appearance the opportunity to take control over their appearance and do something to change it. You’ll gain cosmetic control as you meet with a physician for a rhinoplasty consultation, then again when you head in for your surgery. The end result of your rhinoplasty will be designed to please you, finally after all your years of struggle. It’s easy to understand why rhinoplasty can remain so popular, with thousands of unhappy people looking to change their noses to change their lives.

Rhinoplasty Has Many Medical Benefits

Many people wander in for rhinoplasty consultations because a medical condition has brought them there. Because rhinoplasty is a procedure that offers much more than a cosmetic application, surgeries can also be performed to help alleviate breathing trouble, widen airways, correct breathing obstructions like a deviate septum, and more. Individuals with breathing issues, sinus troubles, snoring and certain types of sleep apnea can all benefit from the right functional rhinoplasty procedure. Incidences of these medical issues aren’t influenced by popularity or social trends, so because of them, yet another need for rhinoplasty surgeries will keep this procedure securely at the top.

Rhinoplasty for Injuries & Trauma

As long as people continue to have broken noses, there will always be a need for rhinoplasty. When a nose suffers damage or significant trauma, plastic surgery is often required to restore the nose to its original state, inside and out. Some incidences involving the nose can cause dangerous blood clots that will damage the cartilage of the nose if left untreated. Others can lead to breathing trouble, snoring, and a whole host of other problems for the nose. When you suffer any kind of injury to the nose, it is important to have it checked out by a medical professional who can advise you on whether or not you will require reconstructive surgery. If that is the case, be sure to contact a trusted facial plastic surgeon who can correct any serious damage and set your nose properly to heal without bumps and scarring.

Rhinoplasty Can Correct Damage from Rhinoplasty

While uncommon, it is possible to have a “bad nose job” where the results you expected were not achieved at all. This is less likely to occur when you do your homework to find the right surgeon, however it does happen from time to time, whether due to surgical error or healing complications. In these cases, a rhinoplasty procedure is often the only way to reverse any damage done to your nose or inner parts. You will be able to discuss your past procedure with your new doctor, voicing any concerns or special needs you have for your revision rhinoplasty. It is unfortunate that this needs to happen at all, but it helps to keep rhinoplasty among the most requested procedures in the world.

Stick With the Popular Rhinoplasty Crowd

Those who have had rhinoplasty surgery in the past can attest to its incredible benefits to your health, your self-image, and other areas of your life. If it’s time for you to sit down for a rhinoplasty consultation with a physician labeled as one of the Best Doctors in America for 6 years running, contact Dr. Philip Miller. He is recognized as an expert in rhinoplasty, making him the perfect plastic surgeon with whom to discuss your questions and concerns. Contact the office of Dr. Miller, located at 60 East 56th street, Third Floor in New York, New York, by calling (646) 791-3025.

Dr. Philip Miller

Dr. Philip Miller

Focusing exclusively on the face for more than two decades, double-board certified facial plastic surgeon Dr. Philip Miller blends art and science with innovation and skill to provide thousands of patients with impeccable results. He is known for pioneering the NatraLook methodology for rhinoplasty, facelifts, neck lifts, and other cosmetic procedures for the face.

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