Woman looking in the mirror smiling

When it comes to facial rejuvenation, patients find themselves faced with the choice of surgical or non-surgical treatments. While both options can elicit fantastic results, one may feel uncertain about which path to choose. For those looking to address signs of aging in the face, Facelifts and Microneedling are both promising interventions. 

Being informed about both procedures is the best way for patients to make an informed decision regarding treatment. Dr. Miller is happy to provide patients in New Orleans with information on the differences between these cosmetic treatments. 

What sets facelifts and microneedling apart?

Essentially, the main difference between facelifts and microneedling treatments comes down to the fact that facelifts require a knife. A facelift is a major surgery involving general anesthetic and cuts made to the face (usually inducing scarring). Microneedling, on the other hand, is an outpatient procedure that can be carried out in as little as 20 minutes. Instead of a knife, tiny needles are employed to puncture the skin at an incredibly fast rate. Ultimately, the difference comes down to cuts (via the knife) and pricks (via the needles). 

Other notable differences


It goes without saying that surgical procedures come with much higher risks than non-surgical treatments do. Some of these may include:

  • Bleeding
  • Healing complications
  • Infections
  • Delayed wound healing
  • Injuries
  • Risk to areas surrounding the incisions
  • Scarring

Some other potential risks include blood clots, cardiac arrest, or a stroke. 

With microneedling, there may be some bleeding due to the pricks of the needles, but there is no scarring. The main risk one needs to look out for is a tainted needle, which can be avoided by relying on a practitioner who is certified in carrying out microneedling treatments.

Financial investment

Like any surgical procedure, Facelifts come with all of the usual costs associated with surgery. These may include:

  • Anesthesia 
  • More doctors and attendants
  • The operating room
  • Surgical equipment
  • Overnight costs

A microneedling procedure, on the other hand, only involves one doctor, one device, and a 20-minute session. 

Time off work

Facelift procedures come with a significant recovery period. Patients are usually instructed to take a week off of work and limit exercise for at least the first month. Swelling and bruising in the treatment area may remain for several months. Patients can usually heal from a microneedling procedure in just a few days. 

Which procedure is best for me?

Ultimately, choosing between these treatments comes down to the patient’s unique preferences and goals. It’s no secret that surgical procedures typically achieve more impressive changes than non-surgical treatments do. 

Those who want a more thorough facial rejuvenation with long-lasting results and are willing to deal with the downtime and other factors are likely better suited for a Facelift procedure. Patients who are seeking immediate treatment for addressing signs of aging and would prefer to incur fewer costs may get where they want to be with a microneedling treatment. 

What is the takeaway?

Facelifts and Microneedling are two vastly different procedures that are incredibly different in scope. Making the comparison between the two requires many considerations, including the results, downtime, cost, and the patient’s goals. Those looking to undergo one of these procedures need to take the proper time to consider what each one entails in order to make a proper decision for themselves. 

A highly revered and board-certified practitioner, Dr. Philip Miller is well-versed in a wide range of surgical and non-invasive treatments, enabling him to create personalized treatment plans that take all aspects of cosmetology into account. He listens attentively to his patients’ concerns and goals and uses this information to make the best recommendations possible. 

Contact our office today to learn more about our Microneedling and Facelift procedures. 

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