Blonde Woman Wearing a Turtleneck

The neck is among the first places to show signs of aging. This may be due to a variety of factors, including the thinness of the skin, vulnerability to sun damage, poor skincare, genetics, environmental factors, and even excess time spent scrolling online. 

Naturally, there are many different cosmetic options for improving this noticeable area of the body. While a surgical neck lift can profoundly improve sagging skin and vertical banding, not all patients wish to submit themselves to the longer downtimes and higher risks associated with an invasive procedure. 

A non-surgical neck lift is quick, painless, and effective. Patients interested in a non-invasive solution may have many questions, including, “How long will my results last?” Below we will explore the various options for treatment and what you might expect from your results.

What is a non-surgical neck lift?

Non-surgical neck lifts help to rejuvenate and refresh the appearance of the neck without anesthesia, incisions, downtime, or scarring. They also tend to be less costly and less time-consuming than their surgical counterparts. Like a surgical neck lift, non-invasive treatments can address loss of skin elasticity, submental fullness, prominent neck bands, wrinkles and lines, sunspots, and discoloration. Non-surgical neck lift treatments are often used in combination to provide the patient with more comprehensive and personalized results.

How do non-surgical neck lifts work?

Some non-surgical neck lift treatments work by stimulating the body to produce more collagen, a vital protein that declines with the aging process. In youthful complexions, smooth, glowing, resilient skin is a sign of healthy collagen output. Secret Pro by Cutera, for instance, utilizes the power of radiofrequency energy to warm the skin, triggering collagen regeneration. Fillers, such as Kybella, work by signaling the body to metabolize stubborn fat under the skin. Neuromodulators such as BOTOX can help smooth away age-related lines in the neck by interrupting the muscle contractions that lead to wrinkle formation.

Options for a non-surgical neck lift

  • Secret Pro by Cutera – Secret Pro fuses the power of fractional CO2 laser therapy with innovative radiofrequency microneedling. Secret Pro Refine and Secret Pro Revive are ideal for improving the skin’s tone through the production of collagen and elastin, key proteins responsible for skin hydration and radiance. Since it takes time for the body to gradually ramp up its collagen and elastin output, best results are seen after about three months. Changes may last up to 12 months on average, at which point patients can repeat their treatment.

  • Kybella – Creating a smooth, shapely profile is an essential goal when it comes to rejuvenating the neck. Kybella is FDA-approved to reduce stubborn submental fat from beneath the chin. It is formulated with a synthetic copy of deoxycholic acid, a compound found naturally in the human body that breaks down dietary fat. Kybella injections remove excess fat cells for good and results are sustainable long-term, provided the patient continues to follow a healthy lifestyle. 

  • BOTOX – BOTOX is commonly used to reduce the appearance of dynamic lines and creases in the forehead and around the eyes. It is also a viable solution for rejuvenating the neck, where wrinkles can arise due to the pulling of platysma muscles. BOTOX works by temporarily blocking the nerve signals that control muscle contractions. Once the muscles have relaxed, the skin appears smoother, younger, and more vibrant. The treatment has no downtime and results with BOTOX typically last 3-5 months. 

What is the takeaway?

Patients seeking a refreshed and revitalized look without the risks and downtime of surgery make excellent candidates for a non-surgical neck lift. Non-invasive neck contouring options include treatment with Secret Pro (results last about 12 months), BOTOX (results last 3-5 months), and Kybella (results last long-term). Speak with your medical provider today to determine the best choice for your unique aesthetic goals. 

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