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Yes, you can get a neck lift without having to undergo a facelift. But let’s learn a little bit more about neck lifts and why people may or may not want to combine a neck lift with a facelift.

What happens during a neck lift?

A neck lift, or lower rhytidectomy, specifically targets the area below the chin and jawline to the collarbone. Neck lifts can aid in reducing loose neck skin or “turkey waddle.” Also, vertical and horizontal banding may occur, emphasizing neck wrinkles and an aging look. Some people may encounter a double chin, which can be resolved with a neck lift. 

During a neck lift procedure, skilled surgeons like Dr. Miller make small incisions that are usually located behind the ears and may extend into the hairline. This allows them to access the underlying tissue and muscles of the neck area to correct certain aesthetic concerns, such as sagging skin, jowls, excess fat, and vertical banding. Dr. Miller carefully removes any unwanted tissue and repositions the remaining skin to create a smooth, natural-looking contour that enhances the overall appearance of the neck. The result is an elegant, youthful-looking silhouette that complements the face and enhances the patient's self-confidence.

What are the benefits of combining a neck lift with a facelift?

Opting for only a neck lift may emphasize sagging or wrinkles on the face. Conversely, getting only a facelift may accentuate the aging skin on the neck. Combining neck and facelifts can balance out the youthful look of both areas, leaving a more unified appearance.

Another benefit of combining procedures is less recovery time. Both facelifts and neck lifts are surgical procedures that require significant recovery time. This downtime includes reducing strenuous physical activity and getting adequate rest, which may include time off from work and social activities. Opting for separate procedures means separate periods of downtime.  Having these procedures done simultaneously reduces your recovery time as both procedures heal at the same time.

Why would I choose one over the other?

The skin on our neck may start to show signs of aging at a different rate than the skin on our face. For some individuals, loose skin on the neck may appear as early as their 20s, while others may not experience this until their 50s. In such cases, opting for both a neck lift and facelift may not be necessary, and could even lead to a drastic change in appearance that is not desired. That's why it is highly recommended to consult with Dr. Miller, who can provide expert guidance and help determine the best approach for your unique needs.

Dr. Miller and his welcoming and lovely staff are here to help you achieve an ageless, empowered look. Dr. Miller is one of the most prominent facial plastic surgeons in the nation and has spent almost three decades specializing in cosmetic procedures for the face and neck. He is meticulous, experienced, and consistently produces great results. 

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